Introduction - Eric

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Hello everybody!

I am Eric Tong, a recent graduate from UCSD's Revelle College.  I graduated in June 2013 with a B.S in Human Biology and a minor in Sociology.  This is my second year in AB as a participant.   I usually do service learning on a local level as a public health educator in the Greater San Diego County specializing in disseminating cancer knowledge to the Asian population.  Although it is rewarding to help my local roots, I want to broaden my horizons and serve not only locally, but also nationally and globally.  Therefore, I am absolutely ecstatic and honored that I am going to go on a service trip to Virginia to help struggling teens. I know for certain it is going to be an incredible experience when I am going to go out to the community at the ground level.  To some degree the unknown frightens me, but at the same time it gives me that much more desire to learn more about what I have little knowledge about.

I will tell you a little about myself.  I love to cook, surf, explore, volunteer, visit museums, and eat.  Those are among the many things I enjoy that make the top of my list.  One of my favorite activities down in San Diego is to surf, even though I am awful at it.  Sometimes I will go out past the break and not even try to catch a wave, but instead just sit out there relax and try to experience whatever nature lurks underneath my board and me.  I love visiting art museums especially the contemporary art museums of SD (La Jolla and Downtown).  But by far, my favorite activities revolves around food, I love learning the history of certain dishes and replicating them.  Whenever I take on a new food project, I research the origin of the dish and how it came about and do the best I can to understand why or how a certain dish came about.  And of course, when I am done I usually enjoy sharing it with good company.  My favorite dishes I cook are almost always vegetarian.

Important Questions and Important Answers:
1. Why are jeggings the new fashion statement?
Jeggings are obviously the new fashion statement because they are unisex.  Many people who read this are skeptical, but I assure you if you see my legs in Jeggings your life will never be the same.  I am absolutely positive that jeggings are the pinnacle of haute couture.

2.  Why is your favorite country Singapore?
Singapore is my favorite country because of the food.  The richness it has in its culture can absolutely be seen and experienced through its food.  Any country that has food with kalamansi lime you can never go wrong with.

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